Was the Amish Mafia TV Show real? - Have you ever watched a reality TV show that made you wonder if what you were seeing was real or just made up for entertainment? Well, one show that did just that was called "Amish Mafia." It claimed to show us what life was like in the Amish community, but let's take a closer look to see if it was accurate or not (We

Was the Amish Mafia TV Show real? | snyders.furniture

Was the Amish Mafia TV Show real?

Have you ever watched a reality TV show that made you wonder if what you were seeing was real or just made up for entertainment? Well, one show that did just that was called "Amish Mafia." It claimed to show us what life was like in the Amish community, but let's take a closer look to see if it was accurate or not (We get this question several times a week. short answer: not even close).

The Show: Amish Mafia

"Amish Mafia" aired on TV from 2012 to 2015 and tried to tell us that the Amish had their own secret world of crime and justice. The show focused on a small group of people who supposedly enforced Amish rules, settled arguments, and even did some bad stuff to those who broke the rules.

The Real Amish Life

In real life, the Amish are a religious group that came from Europe and settled in the United States a long time ago. They're known for living a simple life, farming, and following their Christian beliefs. You might recognize them by their unique clothes, horse-drawn buggies, and their choice to avoid modern things like phones and computers.

What the Show Got Wrong

"Amish Mafia" didn't show the Amish community accurately. Here are some things it got wrong:

  1. Fighting and Crime: The show made it seem like the Amish were okay with fighting and breaking the law. In real life, the Amish are known for avoiding violence and trying to solve problems peacefully.

  2. Bad Behavior: The series said the Amish were involved in illegal activities and organized crime, but there's no real proof of that.

  3. Exaggerated Characters: The people in the show acted way differently than real Amish people, which made things look much more dramatic than they really are. Most of the characters were ex Amish or Mennonites. 

Privacy and Respect

The Amish value their privacy and don't want the modern world to interfere with their way of life. Making a TV show that twists their beliefs for entertainment was a bit tacky.

In Conclusion

"Amish Mafia" was more like a made-up story than a true reflection of Amish life. The real Amish people live in peaceful communities, and their values are based on their faith. We should respect their way of life and try to understand them without the drama and exaggeration of a TV show. It's important to remember that not everything on TV is true, and we should always question what we see.

To see what real Amish do with their time, click here. 

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