The secret to keeping your real wood furniture lasting longer - Have you ever wondered what the secret is to keeping your real wood and Amish furniture (plus leather furniture) in prime shape?

The secret to keeping your real wood furniture lasting longer |

The secret to keeping your real wood furniture lasting longer

Have you ever wondered what the secret is to keeping your real wood and Amish furniture (plus leather furniture) in prime shape? It might be surprising, but the answer lies in your home's humidity level! The "sweet spot" for maintaining your wooden (or leather) furniture is to keep your home's humidity level between 35% and 45%.

What is Humidity?

Let's start by understanding what humidity is. Humidity is the amount of water vapor, or dampness, in the air. It's like the invisible water that you can't see but can sometimes feel on a hot summer day. Too much humidity can make the air feel sticky and hot, while too little can make it feel dry and chilly.

The Magic of 35% to 45% Humidity

So, why is the 35% to 45% humidity range perfect for your real wood and Amish furniture? Wood is a natural material. This means it responds to changes in its environment, like the amount of water in the air. When the air is too dry, below 35% humidity, wood can start to crack and split. On the other hand, if there's too much moisture, above 45% humidity, wood can warp or swell. So, keeping the humidity level in this range helps the wood stay strong and beautiful.

How Can We Control Humidity?

Controlling humidity can be as simple as using a tool called a humidifier to add moisture to the air or a dehumidifier to remove it. Sometimes, even an air conditioner can help maintain the right level. It's also a good idea to use a hygrometer, a device that measures humidity, to keep track of your home's humidity level.

Health Benefits of Controlling Home Humidity

Controlling the humidity level in your home not only helps your furniture but it's also good for your health.

Here's how:

Comfort: A humidity level between 35% and 45% can make you feel more comfortable. It's not too dry or too damp, just right!

Less Allergies: Dust mites and mold, which can trigger allergies, don't do well in this humidity range. So, keeping the humidity at this level can help reduce allergy symptoms.

Healthy Skin: In a home with the right humidity, your skin is less likely to get dry and itchy.

Prevent Colds: Viruses that cause colds and flu can be less active in this humidity range, so you might get sick less often.

In conclusion, managing the humidity level in your home is like a secret superpower. It helps you keep your real wood and Amish furniture looking great and keeps you healthy too! And did you know our Lancaster Legacy Tables come with a free hygrometer? Shop here

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