orderstatus - We will notify you if furniture is not expected within the lead time given at time of sale. Please contact us immediately if you will not be able to accept delivery when the furniture is completed. Any remaining balance is due when special orders are complete. Please allow several days for the status check. It usually

orderstatus | snyders.furniture


We will notify you if furniture is not expected within the lead time given at time of sale. Please contact us immediately if you will not be able to accept delivery when the furniture is completed. Any remaining balance is due when special orders are complete. Please allow several days for the status check. It usually requires leaving a voicemail or sending a fax, then waiting a day or so for a response. We will contact you within 4 business days.

Order Status Form
Last Name  
First Name  
Order #  
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As most of our shops do not answer the telephone (due to religious belief) please allow 2-4 days for a response.
